Creating a Healthy Matrix: Mindfulness


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Common sense tells us that movement and nutrition should be top priorities for creating a healthy matrix-an environment that encourages wellness and growth, but less-known ‘mindfulness’ is a huge health component that is finally coming out of the closet. The more I practice mindfulness techniques myself and see the difference they make in my life, the more I feel a strong survival instinct to teach kids what I’m learning. There’s no reason for the next generation to wait until they are forty years old to learn simple tools promoting happier and healthier lives, right?! Continue reading

Creating a Healthy Matrix: Movement


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Most of us have become “active couch potatoes”. We may take an hour trip to the gym and our kids may go to a sports practice, but the rest of the day is mainly filled with sitting in the car and sitting at a desk. Kids aren’t getting enough movement at school either and often the first place schools make financial cuts is with their PE program. Its not just their bodies that are suffering either.

I agree with Dr. John Medina, author of NY Times Bestseller Brain Rules: 12 Principles for Surviving and Thriving at Work, Home, and School when he says, “if you are in education, you are in the business of brain development.” In his book, Rule #1 is Exercise Boosts Brain Power. Continue reading

Starting a Family Meditation Practice


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We are often most unmindful around our family because they are the people who are stuck with us!  Haven’t we all noticed that we react in negative ways quicker with our own children than with other people’s children?!  Unmindful behavior … Continue reading

Nine Reasons Every Kid Should Meditate


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When I first started teaching yoga more than 10 years ago and I would mention the word meditation, it often got me strange looks.  I even got the feeling some people thought I was going to try to brainwash them … Continue reading